EN13158:2018 Horse Riders Body Protector EN13158:2018 Standard provides the technical specification for Equestrian requirements and sets the level of shock absorption required to be offered, and controls the area of the body that must be covered by the body protector. VIPA Horse Riders Body Protectors are designed, manufactured and tested to conform with EN13158:2018 Standard for Horse Riders Body Protectors. In addition to this, samples of the VIPA range of body protectors are annually re-tested to ensure the consistency of quality of the shock absorbing foam materials used and quality of manufacturing. The VIPA Body Protectors are tested for consistent quality and conformity with the EN13158:2018 Standard. Levels of Protection There are three levels of protection to cater for different riding activities. The highest Level 3 is tested at the highest energy impacts. Level 1 Body protectors Level 1 provide a lower level of impact protection that is only considered appropriate for licensed jockeys and track riders. Level 2 Body protectors Level 2 provide a lower than normal level of protection that is only considered appropriate for use in low risk situations. Level 3 Body protectors Level 3 provide a level of protection that is considered appropriate for normal horse riding, competitors and for working with horses. Protectors to this level should prevent minor bruising that would have produced stiffness and pain, reduce soft tissue injuries and bruising. LIFE OF BODY PROTECTORS Frequent visual inspection should be made for signs of wear, especially after accidents or injury. This may cause cell damage of the foam, obvious signs of which would be reduced thickness or a change of the feel of the foam. The garment should be replaced if you are in any doubt. Otherwise, under normal conditions, it is recommended that your VIPA Body Protector is replaced every 3 - 5 years depending on condition and use. Warranty All VIPA Body Protectors have a 12 month warranty, and zips have a 6 month warranty. WARNING Injuries will not be entirely prevented by body protectors. VIPA body protectors will not prevent injuries involving severe extension, flexion, torsion or crushing of the body. Spinal protection is not provided.
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Body Protection Vests for Horse Riding, Harness Driving, Playing Sport, Caring for Animals, Rehabilitating
Head Office: Australia 61 3 9333 3192
VIPA Vests Pty. Ltd.
Custom Designed in Australia
New Zealand 021 222 9502
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VIPA - Body Protector Vests



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